Food is memories...mother daugther mini English muffin pizzas

The other night I watched a wonderful movie, The Hundred Foot Journey and one line stuck with me, “food is memories”.

Earlier this week my sister-friend Jen posted a picture of her favorite comfort food, French onion soup. I’ve never had French onion soup and I was curious to know what other people considered comfort food. I asked the question and I was pleasantly surprised; there was Stephanie’s lasagna, Carol’s poutine and Miss Amy’s English muffin pizzas.

Today is exactly one month since I started this food journey and yesterday I bought English muffins and pepperoni. Olivia stayed home with me today and I told her this morning that we would be having fun in the kitchen for lunch; she was overjoyed!  When I posted our masterpieces on FB, I received a comment that made me cry. My friend Carol mentioned that she remembered making pizza with her mom when she was a kid and thanked me for the memories. Yes, food is memories, and today I made some wonderful memories with my daughter! Thank you Amy, as always, you make my life better.

I will definitely be making lasagna (spinach ricotta) and poutine (pulled pork) and Jen’s French onion soup. I would love to hear more suggestions!

 English muffin pizzas:

  •  An English muffin cut in half and lightly buttered
  • A spoonful of tomato sauce
  • A slice or two of ROMA pepperoni
  • Sliced mushrooms…Olivia doesn’t like mushrooms
  • Diced red pepper
  • Top with grated Saputo Mozzarellisima cheese

 In the toaster oven for 10 minutes at 450 degrees & enjoy!

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